Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

One morning, a few days ago, on my Google feeds, a book recommendation popped up. It was ‘Days at the Morisaki Bookshop’ by Satoshi Yagisawa. Both the cover and the title intrigued me. Here was a book that centered around books and bookshop!  Although Murakami and Ishiguro adorn my book shelf, I am yet toContinue reading “Days at the Morisaki Bookshop”

A Library of Possibilities

What if, one day, you wake up to find yourself in a library? The library is endless, stacked with rows of books- each one an alternative life that you wish you had lived or wanted- “Every life contains many millions of decisions”. And it has your favourite librarian too! You pick up a book, openContinue reading “A Library of Possibilities”

Fettered Fears

I came to you,On a cold, winter’s night,Clinging to life, tight,Out of breath, out of time.A miracle they said,The white coats, who saved,My almost dying breath,Your almost dying faith,I clung to life, yet. You nursed me,And your trepidations,Little did you know?That will become such contradictions. I grew.To you I was anew,You were naïve,I was quiet.AsContinue reading “Fettered Fears”

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