The Legends Of Pensam By Mamag Dai

Do you remember the days, when your grandmother or grandfather or some grand aunt or uncle sat you down on one of the nights when there was a power-cut and told you stories of strange lands, mythical creatures, filled with magical spells, of extraordinary situations that left you wide eyed imagining a wonderland? And ifContinue reading “The Legends Of Pensam By Mamag Dai”

My Review of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s ‘The Forest Of Enchantments’ (2019)

We know Sita as the daughter of Janak, King of Mithila. We know her as Lord Ram’s wife and queen apparent of Ayodhya. We also know her as the daughter of Mother Earth and the mother of the twins, Lav and Kush and an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. But we also now know that sheContinue reading “My Review of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s ‘The Forest Of Enchantments’ (2019)”

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