The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

Bibliophile or booklovers have many reasons to buy a book. I bought this book because I fell in love with the cover. And little did I know that I will be mesmerized by the intriguing story within the pages that was waiting to unfold! ‘The Lost Apothecary’ is a riveting tale of a woman apothecaryContinue reading “The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner”

My Thoughts on Madeline Miller’s ‘Circe’ (2018)

During my recent conversations with my sister over the phone, she recommended me a very fascinating book- Madeline Miller’s ‘Circe’ (2018). I had always been intrigued by Circe’s character. So, I dived into the mystifying and labyrinthine world of this lesser known and infamous Greek Goddess immediately. I first read about her as a childContinue reading “My Thoughts on Madeline Miller’s ‘Circe’ (2018)”

Pagglait: Debunking Patriarchy

It’s been a long time, since I wrote a long post. What with a hectic semester and over loaded academic work, I have hardly had the time to sit and write on something worthwhile to share with you. After a small but much needed 10 days break, another hectic semester begins. But yesterday, on theContinue reading “Pagglait: Debunking Patriarchy”

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