My Thoughts on ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’

“If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn’t spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.”Here’s another book with a unique woman character that you meet on anContinue reading “My Thoughts on ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’”

Pagglait: Debunking Patriarchy

It’s been a long time, since I wrote a long post. What with a hectic semester and over loaded academic work, I have hardly had the time to sit and write on something worthwhile to share with you. After a small but much needed 10 days break, another hectic semester begins. But yesterday, on theContinue reading “Pagglait: Debunking Patriarchy”

Fettered Fears

I came to you,On a cold, winter’s night,Clinging to life, tight,Out of breath, out of time.A miracle they said,The white coats, who saved,My almost dying breath,Your almost dying faith,I clung to life, yet. You nursed me,And your trepidations,Little did you know?That will become such contradictions. I grew.To you I was anew,You were naïve,I was quiet.AsContinue reading “Fettered Fears”

Embracing the Space

It was a space.And it was bare,Roomy, yet restricting,Airy yet stifling.Crackling with empty emotionsFilled with a loud silence,Resonating with tedium. I tried embellishing it,With unfamiliar trinkets,Brilliant though they wereThey encroached this fair space,With their weighing presence.I then decked it with familiar memorabiliaOf sunshiny memories,And pastel draped dreams,This space of quirky curiosities,Which I had myself denied,EnvelopedContinue reading “Embracing the Space”

Unravelling Rebecca

I always say this- only a woman is capable of capturing the complexities of the mind, only a woman can delve into the fathomless depths of the psyche and only a woman is capable of unraveling the mysteries of the mind. Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca is symbolic of that. The book had been recommended toContinue reading “Unravelling Rebecca”

A Life Denied

You welcomed me to your life,Was it with a denial?With an emotional reluctance?In your smile I saw a resistance.To you, I was a trifle,Sometimes a wee rival.Never could I fathom.Your distance,Your geniality defined by a frugality.Never could I close the chasm.You nourished and nurtured,Yet I grew ruptured.The ways of the world taught,But to travel downContinue reading “A Life Denied”


Sententious swords drawn to quarter,Charged with steel, cold and icy.Striking without an apology.Verbose blows waiting to measure,Punchy lines, proding me,Fiery words hurled from incensed tongue,Like flaming arrows, piercing,Scalding the soul.My heart cracks,I survive. But the mind is a minefield,Sowed with combustible memories.Tread cautiously,I say to me.For you may shatter into fragmentsAnd lose your whole.In thisContinue reading “Agony”

Sri Lanka: The Land of Serendipity (Part 5)

Ayubowan Sarandip That is the beauty of this literally floating island tethered by the Palk Strait. An island steeped in history with a rich cultural and mythological legacy. Taj Samudra has a very nice book shop called Lake House and the gentleman managing it, Mr. Keerthi, made a very erudite statement. I often visited theContinue reading “Sri Lanka: The Land of Serendipity (Part 5)”

Sri Lanka: The Land of Serendipity (Part 4)

Kola-amba-thota: The harbor with the Mango Trees Did you know that the word ‘Colombo’ is derived from the Sinhalese word ‘Kola-amba-thota’ which means ‘Harbour with leafy/green mango trees’? And what a coincidence! In Odia language ‘amba’ means Mango and ‘thota’ means ‘grove’. I was very happy to know about the certain and small lingual affinitiesContinue reading “Sri Lanka: The Land of Serendipity (Part 4)”

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