Durga Puja

It is the season of kash flowers,
And smoky dusks.
Of sharp silhouetted clouds,
On a shifting skyscape
With the hint of an approaching winter.
But the festivities are on hold,
Oh Mother, once again your advent is muted,
The air doth not reverberate with conch sounds,
Or the musical trill of the womenfolk.

Another year we put on hold,
While you, Oh Mother arrive in all your splendor,
You awaken the slumbering souls
And our somnolent spirits.
I invoke your blessings Mother.
Burn my fears,
Defeat the deathly enemies within,
Extinguish my self-doubts,
Deepen my faith,
Arm me with courage,
Endow me with felicity
Help me conquer the demons,
I battle each day.
So, I may, be your daughter
So, I may, be You.

Wishing all my blogger friends a very Happy Durga Puja. May the blessings of the Divine Mother be with you always. 🙏

Published by amritasatapathy

Amrita Satapathy is a faculty in School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. Since her joining in 2009 she has been involved with classroom teaching in various topics like Communication Skills, Technical Writing, Indian Writing in English and World Literature. Her area of research is Travel Writing and Life Writings. She has contributed academically in the form of journal papers, book chapters and reviews nationally and internationally. She has published two books- ‘Shifting Images’, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (2011) and ‘Limning London’, Authors Press, New Delhi (2016). She has also interests in Film Studies and Creative Writing. She can be reached at- asatapathy@iitbbs.ac.in

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